Philosophy Faculty Books. Book 4.
University at Albany, State University of New York
Scholars Archive
Philosophy Faculty Books Philosophy
Summer 2015
paratodo x: Una Introducción a la Lógica Formal
P.D. Magnus
University at Albany, State University of New York,
From the authors, “All in all, we hope that you find Educational Psychology a useful and accessible part of your education. If you are preparing to be a teacher, good luck with your studies and your future! If you are an instructor, good luck with helping your students learn about this subject!”
Purchase print copy $49.95 (365 pages, 12 chapters, see table of contents below)
Nievergelt, “Algorithms and Data Structures – With Applications to Graphics and Geometry” (2011)
An Open Textbook by Jurg Nievergelt and Klaus Hinrichs
“An introductory coverage of algorithms and data structures with application to graphics and geometry.”
This textbook, released under a Creative Commons Share Alike (CC BY SA) license, is presented in its original format with the academic content unchanged. It was authored by Jurg Nievergelt (ETH Zurich) and Klaus Hinrichs (Institut für Informatik) and provided by the University of Georgia’s Global Textbook Project.
Part I: Programming environments for motion, graphics, and geometry
Reducing a task to given primitives: programming motion
A robot car, its capabilities, and the task to be performed
Wall-following algorithm described informally
Algorithm specified in a high-level language
Algorithm programmed in the robot’s language
The robot’s program optimized
Graphics primitives and environments
Turtle graphics: a basic environment
QuickDraw: a graphics toolbox
A graphics frame program
Algorithm animation
Computer-driven visualization: characteristics and techniques
A gallery of algorithm snapshots
Part II: Programming concepts: beyond notation
Algorithms and programs as literature: substance and form
Programming in the large versus programming in the small
Documentation versus literature: is it meant to be read?
Pascal and its dialects: lingua franca of computer science
Divide-and-conquer and recursion
An algorithmic principle
Divide-and-conquer expressed as a diagram: merge sort
Recursively defined trees
Recursive tree traversal
Recursion versus iteration: the Tower of Hanoi
The flag of Alfanumerica: an algorithmic novel on iteration and recursion
Syntax and semantics
Grammars and their representation: syntax diagrams and EBNF
An overly simple syntax for simple expressions
Parenthesis-free notation for arithmetic expressions
Syntax analysis
The role of syntax analysis
Syntax analysis of parenthesis-free expressions by counting
Analysis by recursive descent
Turning syntax diagrams into a parser
Part III: Objects, algorithms, programs
Truth values, the data type ‘set’, and bit acrobatics
Bits and boolean functions
Swapping and crossovers: the versatile exclusive-or
The bit sum or “population count”
Ordered sets
Sequential search
Binary search
In-place permutation
Recognizing a pattern consisting of a single string
Paths in a graph
Boolean matrix multiplication
Warshall’s algorithm
Minimum spanning tree in a graph
Operations on integers
The Euclidean algorithm
The prime number sieve of Eratosthenes
Large integers
Modular number systems: the poor man’s large integers
Random numbers
Floating-point numbers
Some dangers
Horner’s method
Newton’s method for computing the square root
Straight lines and circles
Drawing digitized lines
The riddle of the braiding straight lines
Digitized circles
Part IV: Complexity of problems and algorithms
Computability and complexity
Models of computation: the ultimate RISC
Almost nothing is computable
The halting problem is undecidable
Computable, yet unknown
Multiplication of complex numbers
Complexity of matrix multiplication
The mathematics of algorithm analysis
Growth rates and orders of magnitude
Summation formulas
Recurrence relations
Asymptotic performance of divide-and-conquer algorithms
Sorting and its complexity
What is sorting? How difficult is it?
Types of sorting algorithms
Simple sorting algorithms that work in time T(n)
A lower bound O(n · log n)
Analysis for three cases: best, “typical”, and worst
Is it possible to sort in linear time?
Sorting networks
Part V: Data structures
What is a data structure?
Data structures old and new
The range of data structures studied
Performance criteria and measures
Abstract data types
Concepts: What and why?
First-in-first-out queue
Priority queue
Implicit data structures
What is an implicit data structure?
Array storage
Implementation of the fixed-length fifo queue as a circular buffer
Implementation of the fixed-length priority queue as a heap
List structures
Lists, memory management, pointer variables
The fifo queue implemented as a one-way list
Tree traversal
Binary search trees
Height-balanced trees
Address computation
Concepts and terminology
The special case of small key domains
The special case of perfect hashing: table contents known a priori
Conventional hash tables: collision resolution
Choice of hash function: randomization
Performance analysis
Extendible hashing
A virtual radix tree: order-preserving extendible hashing
Metric data structures
Organizing the embedding space versus organizing its contents
Radix trees, tries
Quadtrees and octtrees
Spatial data structures: objectives and constraints
The grid file
Simple geometric objects and their parameter spaces
Region queries of arbitrary shape
Evaluating region queries with a grid file
Interaction between query processing and data access
Part VI: Interaction between algorithms and data structures: case studies in geometric computation
Sample problems and algorithms
Geometry and geometric computation
Convex hull: a multitude of algorithms
The uses of convexity: basic operations on polygons
Visibility in the plane: a simple algorithm whose analysis is not
Plane-sweep: a general-purpose algorithm for two-dimensional problems illustrated using line segment intersection
The line segment intersection test
The skeleton: Turning a space dimension into a time dimension
Data structures
Updating the y-table and detecting an intersection
Sweeping across intersections
Degenerate configurations, numerical errors, robustness
The closest pair
The problem
Plane-sweep applied to the closest pair problem
Sweeping in three or more dimensions
James Feher,”Introduction to Digital Logic” with Laboratory Exercises (2010)
This lab manual provides an introduction to digital logic, starting with simple gates and building up to state machines. Students should have a solid understanding of algebra as well as a rudimentary understanding of basic electricity including voltage, current, resistance, capacitance, inductance and how they relate to direct current circuits.
By Evdokiya [CC-BY-SA-3.0 (], via Wikimedia CommonsThe Basic Elements of Music
By Catherine Schmidt-Jones Explanations (suitable for any age) of the basic elements of music, with suggested activities for introducing the each concept to children at early elementary school level. The course may be used by instructors not trained in music; all necessary definitions and explanations are included. – From the book
Textbook Equity Edition
ISBN: 978-1-312-48694-2
License CC BY-SA
Download Free PDF (107 pages, 2.7 MB) (registration not required)
Explanations (suitable for any age) of the basic elements of music, with suggested activities for introducing the each concept to children at early elementary school level. The course may be used by instructors not trained in music; all necessary definitions and explanations are included. – From the book
This music textbook, authored by Catherine Schmidt-Jones, is released under a Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license, published by Textbook Equity without changes to the academic content.
Table of Contents
1 Time Elements
1.1 Rhythm
1.2 Simple Rhythm Activities
1.3 Meter in Music
1.4 Musical Meter Activities
1.7 Dynamics and Accents in Music
1.8 A Musical Dynamics Activity
1.9 A Musical Accent Activity
2 Pitch Elements
2.1 Timbre
2.2 Melody
2.3 Harmony
3 Combining Time and Pitch
3.1 The Textures of Music
3.2 A Musical Textures Activity
3.3 An Introduction to Counterpoint
3.4 Counterpoint Activities: Listening and Discussion
3.6 Music Form Activities
3.7 Form in Music
arpeggiated chords
bass line
block chords
borrowed division
chord progression
chords chorus
conjunct motion
disjunct motion
functional harmony
harmonic rhythm
implied harmony
inner parts
inner voices
language arts
lesson plan
Measure or bar
melodic contour
melodic line
melodic phrase
melodic shape
movie music
movie score
musical instruments
national art standard
national dance standard
national English standard
national music standard
on the beat
on the downbeat
parallel harmony
polyphonic texture
rhythm section
sentence shape
time signature
tone quality
vivace voices
This textbook is designed as a quick reference for “College Biology” volumes one through three. It contains the “Chapter Summary”, “Art Connection”, “Review”, and “Critical Thinking” Exercises found in each of the three volumes. It also contains the COMPLETE alphabetical listing of the key terms. “College Biology”, intended for capable college students, is adapted from OpenStax College’s open (CC BY) textbook “Biology”. It is Textbook Equity’s derivative to ensure continued free and open access, and to provide low cost print formats. For manageability and economy, Textbook Equity created three volumes from the original that closely match typical semester or quarter biology curriculum. No academic content was changed from the original. See This supplement covers all 47 chapters.
1–3. Sets and Operations on Sets. Quantifiers 1 Problems in Set Theory 6
4–7. Relations. Mappings 8 Problems on Relations and Mappings 14
8. Sequences 15
9. Some Theorems on Countable Sets 18 Problems on Countable and Uncountable Sets 21
Chapter 2. Real Numbers. Fields 23
1–4. Axioms and Basic Definitions 23
5–6. Natural Numbers. Induction 27 Problems on Natural Numbers and Induction 32
7. Integers and Rationals 34
8–9. Upper and Lower Bounds. Completeness 36 Problems on Upper and Lower Bounds 40
10. Some Consequences of the Completeness Axiom 43
11–12. Powers With Arbitrary Real Exponents. Irrationals 46 Problems on Roots, Powers, and Irrationals 50
13. The Infinities. Upper and Lower Limits of Sequences 53 Problems on Upper and Lower Limits of Sequences in E* 60
Chapter 3. Vector Spaces. Metric Spaces 63
1–3. The Euclidean n-space, En 63 Problems on Vectors in En 69
4–6. Lines and Planes in En 71 Problems on Lines and Planes in En 75
7. Intervals in En 76 Problems on Intervals in En 79
8. Complex Numbers 80 Problems on Complex Numbers 83
*9. Vector Spaces. The Space Cn. Euclidean Spaces 85 Problems on Linear Spaces 89
*10. Normed Linear Spaces 90 Problems on Normed Linear Spaces 93
11. Metric Spaces 95
Problems on Metric Spaces 98
12. Open and Closed Sets. Neighborhoods 101
Problems on Neighborhoods, Open and Closed Sets 106
13. Bounded Sets. Diameters 108
Problems on Boundedness and Diameters 112
14. Cluster Points. Convergent Sequences 114
Problems on Cluster Points and Convergence 118
15. Operations on Convergent Sequences 120
Problems on Limits of Sequences 123
16. More on Cluster Points and Closed Sets. Density 135
Problems on Cluster Points, Closed Sets, and Density 139
17. Cauchy Sequences. Completeness 141
Problems on Cauchy Sequences 144
Chapter 4. Function Limits and Continuity 149
1. Basic Definitions 149
Problems on Limits and Continuity 157
2. Some General Theorems on Limits and Continuity 161
More Problems on Limits and Continuity 166
3. Operations on Limits. Rational Functions 170
Problems on Continuity of Vector-Valued Functions 174
4. Infinite Limits. Operations in E* 177
Problems on Limits and Operations in E* 180
5. Monotone Functions 181
Problems on Monotone Functions 185
6. Compact Sets 186
Problems on Compact Sets 189
*7. More on Compactness 192
8. Continuity on Compact Sets. Uniform Continuity 194
Problems on Uniform Continuity; Continuity on Compact Sets. 200
9. The Intermediate Value Property 203
Problems on the Darboux Property and Related Topics 209
10. Arcs and Curves. Connected Sets 211
Problems on Arcs, Curves, and Connected Sets 215
*11. Product Spaces. Double and Iterated Limits 218
*Problems on Double Limits and Product Spaces 224
12. Sequences and Series of Functions 227
Problems on Sequences and Series of Functions 233
13. Absolutely Convergent Series. Power Series 237
More Problems on Series of Functions 245
Chapter 5. Differentiation and Antidifferentiation 251
1. Derivatives of Functions of One Real Variable 251
Problems on Derived Functions in One Variable 257
2. Derivatives of Extended-Real Functions 259
Problems on Derivatives of Extended-Real Functions 265
3. L’Hˆopital’s Rule 266
Problems on L’Hˆopital’s Rule 269
4. Complex and Vector-Valued Functions on E1 271
Problems on Complex and Vector-Valued Functions on E1 275
5. Antiderivatives (Primitives, Integrals) 278
Problems on Antiderivatives 285
6. Differentials. Taylor’s Theorem and Taylor’s Series 288
Problems on Taylor’s Theorem 296
7. The Total Variation (Length) of a Function f : E1 ? E 300
Problems on Total Variation and Graph Length 306
8. Rectifiable Arcs. Absolute Continuity 308
Problems on Absolute Continuity and Rectifiable Arcs 314
9. Convergence Theorems in Differentiation and Integration 314
Problems on Convergence in Differentiation and Integration 321
10. Sufficient Condition of Integrability. Regulated Functions 322
Problems on Regulated Functions 329
11. Integral Definitions of Some Functions 331
Problems on Exponential and Trigonometric Functions 338
Chapter 1: The Study of Life
Chapter 2: The Chemical Foundation of Life
Chapter 3: Biological Macromolecules
Unit 2. The Cell
Chapter 4: Cell Structure
Chapter 5: Structure and Function of Plasma Membranes
Chapter 6: Metabolism
Chapter 7: Cellular Respiration
Chapter 8: Photosynthesis
Chapter 9: Cell Communication
Chapter 10: Cell Reproduction
Unit 3. Genetics
Chapter 11: Meiosis and Sexual Reproduction
Chapter 12: Mendel’s Experiments and Heredity
Chapter 13: Modern Understandings of Inheritance
Chapter 14: DNA Structure and Function
Chapter 15: Genes and Proteins
Chapter 16: Gene Expression
Chapter 17: Biotechnology and Genomics
Advantages of Adopting this Textbook
Price. PDFs are free. Printed books only $39.00*. Funds beyond costs go to the evaluation and creation of additional free and inexpensive printed open textbooks.
Comparable biology textbooks cost $180 – $225.**
Class relevant. Adopt only the volumes you need. Make the textbook yours.
Comprehensive with current content.
Pedagogically enhanced.
Authored and reviewed by the academic community.
Original textbook prepared, published, copyrighted, and released with an open license (CC BY) by Rice University’s Openstax College.
Text is available in various e-formats at Rice University’s Connexions (
Open licensed. Fearlessly copy, print, remix. Add to it. Take away. Rearrange. Create class-specific content. (Textbook Equity can help you with that.)
Advantages of Buying a PRINTED Copy
Easier to read and navigate.
You have the right to give or sell the book to others.
You can mark it, copy pages, tear out pages, and use it for kindling.
It looks more impressive on your bookshelf than a blank, dusty space.
You can read it anytime you wish, even decades later.
There may be a secondary market.
Honestly, you know the benefits of having a ” hard copy.”
Features of All Volumes
Chapter summaries.
Review questions.
Critical thinking questions.
Answer keys.
Key terms by chapter.
Embedded supplemental learning links.
Attributions, credits, and textbook provenance.
*Price at Other sources may be higher.
** For textbook price comparisons see “Anatomy of a Textbook“.
***Printed in high quality grayscale to keep costs low.
Chapter 18: Evolution and the Origin of Species
Chapter 19: The Evolution of Populations
Chapter 20: Phylogenies and the History of Life
Chapter 21: Viruses
Chapter 22: Prokaryotes: Bacteria and Archaea
Chapter 23: Protists
Chapter 24: Fungi
Chapter 25: Seedless Plants
Chapter 26: Seed Plants
Chapter 27: Introduction to Animal Diversity
Chapter 28: Invertebrates
Chapter 29: Vertebrates
Chapter 30: Plant Form and Physiology
Chapter 31: Soil and Plant Nutrition
Chapter 32: Plant Reproduction Plus chapter summaries, review questions, critical thinking questions, answer keys, key terms by chapter, embedded supplemental learning links.
Advantages of Adopting this Textbook:
Price. PDFs are free. Printed books only $39.00*. Funds beyond costs go to the evaluation and creation of additional free and inexpensive printed open textbooks.
Comparable biology textbooks cost $180 – $225.**
Class relevant. Adopt only the volumes you need. Make the textbook yours.
Comprehensive with current content.
Pedagogically enhanced.
Authored and reviewed by the academic community.
Original textbook prepared, published, copyrighted, and released with an open license (CC BY) by Rice University’s Openstax College.
Text is available in various e-formats at Rice University’s Connexions (
Open licensed. Fearlessly copy, print, remix. Add to it. Take away. Rearrange. Create class-specific content. (Textbook Equity can help you with that.)
Advantages of Buying a PRINTED Copy
Easier to read and navigate.
You have the right to give or sell the book to others.
You can mark it, copy pages, tear out pages, and use it for kindling.
It looks more impressive on your bookshelf than a blank, dusty space.
You can read it anytime you wish, even decades later.
There may be a secondary market.
Honestly, you know the benefits of having a ” hard copy.”
Chapter 33: The Animal Body: Basic Form and Function
Chapter 34: Animal Nutrition and the Digestive System
Chapter 35: The Nervous System
Chapter 36: Sensory Systems
Chapter 37: The Endocrine System
Chapter 38: The Musculoskeletal System
Chapter 39: The Respiratory System
Chapter 40: The Circulatory System
Chapter 41: Osmotic Regulation and Excretion
Chapter 42: The Immune System
Chapter 43: Animal Reproduction and Development
Chapter 44: Ecology and the Biosphere
Chapter 45: Population and Community Ecology
Chapter 46: Ecosystems
Chapter 47: Conservation Biology and Biodiversity Plus Chapter summaries, Review questions, Critical thinking questions, Answer keys, Key terms by chapter, Embedded supplemental learning links.